MacDMV August Meetup: August 8th, 10am

We’re set for our next meeting on Saturday, 8th from 10a to 11:30a at the Martin Luther King Jr. Public Library located just across from the Gallery Place Metro in Washington DC. We’ll be confirming the room with DCPL in the next day or so, but mark this one down on your calendar and let us know if you’re coming!

On the agenda for this meeting:

1) A Recap of the PSU Mac Admins and Mac IT Conferences (Jenn Unger, Rich Trouton)
2) A Presentation on the new System Integrity Protection system (aka rootless) that is built into OS X El Capitan

We’ll also have an open roundtable on the betas for both iOS 9 and El Cap.

After we’re done meeting, we’ll adjourn to lunch nearby at one of the fine fast casual restaurants nearby (California Tortilla, Nando’s Peri Peri, or even Clyde’s!).

Are you coming? RSVP Here!

Eventbrite - MacDMV August Meetup

We’ll also have a couple cool apps from the AppStore for door prizes, including Wi-Fi Explorer by Adrian Granados!

Bring a friend and we’ll see you at MacDMV in DC next Saturday.


Tom Bridge for Rich Trouton, Jennifer Unger and Andrew Adkins and the MacDMV Advisory Group

April Tech Meetup!

Hope everyone’s enjoying the cherry blossoms and gorgeous spring weather!

We’re planning our next meetup for this Saturday, graciously hosted by our friends at the Applied Physics Laboratory!

Sign up is now available

We’re going to focus on Yosemite issues and Filing good radars as part of our event, and then we’ll adjourn to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Come join us!

11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20723
Contact number 240-460-3976

Notes from 2014-11-13 Meetup

What’s new with iOS 8 and Yosemite



  • Continuity
    • Great, now all three devices (laptop, iPad, iPhone) ring with every call
    • SMS from Messages on OSX (for your Android Friends). Watch out for the “to” section.
  • Handoff –
  • Instant Hotspot – Can’t get this to work. Tried this post to fix without success.
  • Airdrop – Option to be “discovered by: Contacts Only”
  • iCloud Drive – Requirements for iOS 8 and Yosemite to be both installed in order to utilize.
  • Distribution pkg format – Open source items that allow custom PKGs effected
    • CreateOSXInstallPkg?
    • AutoCasperNBI?
    • CreateUserPKG?
  • FileVault prompt during Setup Assistant
  • SMB3 everywhere (Goto Server and Finder)


  • SystemStarter – This used to trigger /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.shutdown.local. YOU MUST USE LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons the right way. See man launchd and man launchctl.
  • /etc/hostconfig – This effected MySQL for any Casper Users


  • DARK MODE (Sys Pref => General)
    • defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist AppleInterfaceStyle Dark effects Dock
    • sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist _HIEnableThemeSwitchHotKey -bool true enables keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Opt + Cmd + T)
  • Safari
    • defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ CanPromptForPushNotifications -bool no
    • defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ ShowFullURLInSmartSearchField -bool 1

Trouble Items

Is anyone having these issues?

  • WiFi?
  • Renaming w/ (1), (2), (3), (etc)
    • JAMF Nation references kbase
  • Exchange and Mail
  • Kerberos (Marzack [Google] and Justin [PSU] tweets)

iOS 8



  • Device names can be set remotely from a administrative console
  • Administrators can prevent users from adding their own restrictions
  • Administrators can also disable users’ ability to locally erase, reset or wipe devices
  • last time a device was backed up to iCloud
  • Passcodes for specific apps


  • JAMF National User Conference
    • Videos are now available!
  • MacTech



Research More

  • Airdrop – Option to be “discovered by: Contacts Only”
  • SMB3 everywhere! (which MS Server? 2003, 2008, 2012?)

MacDMV November & December Meetings

We’re excited to see everyone tomorrow night (November 13th) at Greenfield Belser downtown (1818 N St NW in Washington DC) to talk about Yosemite and iOS 8 and what their arrival has brought both to your organizations’ IT departments and to your Users. We’ll be talking about new features and challenges, as well as the direction of Mac IT, and a summary of MacTech’s conference in LA.

Sign up to let us know if you’re coming, and you will be entered into a drawing for a copy of Arek Dreyer’s book on Managing Apple Devices!

We’ll also be meeting up in Silver Spring on December 4th, at McGinty’s Public House, so save the date!

MacDMV Social: Hard Times Cafe on Oct 30, 2014

Hi all,

DC Mac Admins are meeting up Thursday 30 October 2014 at 6pm until 8pm or so at:

Hard Times
3028 Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA 22201,-77.094789,17z/

We’ll be talking about Yosemite, new iOS challenges, Bushel, and whatever else strikes our fancy. Come on out. We don’t have reservations, but we’ll be at the upstairs bar. This is meant to be a social gathering, with a technical briefing style meeting to occur in November.

We’ll have a reasonable bar tab thanks to our friends at Technolutionary LLC.


Tom & Justin

Tuesday Happy Hour – now with sponsor Watchman Monitoring


Thanks much to Watchman Monitoring for sponsoring Tuesday’s get together at RFD! We’ll hear from Allen Hancock on how Watchman can help you keep an eye out for trouble in your fleet of workstations, maintain a good inventory, and streamline your support process.

If you haven’t yet, sign up to join us on Tuesday night!